Selasa, 29 Jun 2010

foOd eFfeCt yOur mOod....

Food effect ur mood!!!!! btul ker???? mmg btul loh..... itu sndiri jd kat diri aku...
when people fell angry or depressed,, aper yg that people do???
heheheheh,, of course org 2 akan eat something pling x pun... sweets..
nieh aku bkn nak memandai... or tunjuk pndai...
scientists pun dah prove that ape yg aku ckp nieh btull...
n aku sndiri dah test... (buat uji kaji lah...kan..)

mcm yesterday... aku not feeling well,, biase lah... asyik ujan n panas jeh kan...
aku pun aper lg... pening kepale la... n my mood really teruk,,
so utk elakkan aku mengamuk aku pun makan lah,, n take some sweets,,
pas2,, bile perut pun dah full,..
mood pun dah ok.. bru bleh tersenyum as usually... (aku nieh minah senyum)

DR RICHMARD from MIT,, ader ckp yg
"it depend on the amount of precursors present in the food u eat"
hehheehhe,,, aku dah bg scientist prove lg tau... jdi mmg terbukti bhwa ianyer btull...
if u eat byk carbohidrat,, u will feel more relax n calm.. hehhehem,, n mkn byk protein also good....
kalo aku yg mkn byk carbohidrat,, nmpaknyer aku akn kembali pd saiz aku yg lame... la jwpnyer... hehehhehe...
but 4 sure jgn mkn byk protein before nak tido... kalo x,, korg akn sush nak tido cikit la...:)

tmbahan plak kite nieh student,,, ari2 strees dgn mcm,,,(note, asgmt, love life, money, n a lot),, hahhahahaha....
jdi we need to eat something..(it means food la...) or sweet eeeer...
ikut suke korang la nak mkn per kan...
jnji perut full n ati pun akan senang la pas2....

heheheheh,, bile perut dah full..... n ati pun senang...
nak study pun become easy loh... hahhahahah,, btul x????
bg aku btul lah... coz aku mmg cam2...:)

"U are what U eat,, each part of dayC can be effected by what types of food that u eat.... from breakfast until falling asleep at night"

...4 sure that fOod WilL effeCt mOod...

Selasa, 22 Jun 2010

2nd convocation_ 19 june 2010

salam n haiii buat semua n myself.... ari nieh adalah ari yg paling sejarah dlm idup aku...
nak tau naper???? ari nieh aku gie convo 4 putra intelek international college...
kul 3.20 am aku dah bgun.. it so early,, (nak buat camner college bus tggu kul 5 am.. terima jeh la... )
aku got dean n president list.. hehehhe,, last year aku xdpt.. but this year i got 2.. hahaahhaahhh..(ketawa belagak lah..)
nieh dak class aku (batch 14 & 15),,,
kiteorg semua dapat dean & president list tau... hehehhehehe,,
nieh pic bile kiteorg nak tggu nak tgk gmbr bramai2 kat place convo 2...
berbaloi la kwn2,, kite study selama nieh... hehehehhe,,
kite got what we want kan...
congrat 2 all my frendz in this pic yahhhh....
semua look cantik & hencem,.. 2 yg pnting kan...
sempat lg kan,, kiteorg semua mik pic dgn mr azmi..(our lecturer)...
semua bersemangat gile loh... heheheheheh,,, bkn senang,, really sweet this pic...
n thnkz a lot 2 mr azmi,, coz sanggup teach us,, n sanggup tahan dgn kerenah kiteorg yg gile2 nieh.... we will make u proud with us...
bergambar jeh kite nieh... of course lah kan... nak kumpul ramai2,,
& semua berpkaian formal & cantik... bkn senang tau....
jadi nieh lah peluang yg mmg digunakan utk mgabadikan this moment...
masing2,, menggayakan fesyen masing2,,,(bleh la jdi model pas nieh..kan.,)
bile dah fofuler,, jgn lupe kengkwn.. ok....
eih,, anak saper yg terselit kat tgh2 dak2 convo nieh... itu lah aku.. anak pak asan... kan3...
hahahahahah,, best gile dpt jumpe kwn2 lame,, merangkap my senior (seniorita mama sita....hahahhahahah)...
dieorg semua dah convo.. my turn it will be next year la... hahhahaha..
but xper... snap jeh pic... 4 kenangan utk aku kan.. hahhahahaah..
4 eryn,, laila,,lina,,aku(sendiri),,jujue,,nelly & ummy...
good luck in real world... aku harap prsahabatan kite nieh kekal selamanya,,,
n aku harap semua nieh akan terpahat dlm memory kite yeh....
syg korg semua.... love all of u very much...
yeh3,, berjaya gak korg kan abizkan diploma in risk management,,
at putra intelek international college....
hope all of u,, n all the graduates of college putra intelek...
akan berjaya dlm segala bidang yg diceburi... & also berjaya dlm kehidupan...
di dunia & diakhirat also.... heheheheheh...
..this sweet memory will be forever in my heart...
no one can put it out...
from: betty hasan

Khamis, 17 Jun 2010


nieh lah kengkawan aku yg gile n kurang centre cikit...
wlaupun mulut agak celupar n pedas tp aku tau yg dieorg semua berniat baik...
maner ader org yg nak rosakkn kwn2 sndiri kan....
dah dekat 2 thun stgh aku knl dieorg...
ramai yg xder kat cini,,xsmpat nak snap pic dieorg...
xsngka kan,, pejam celik,,pejam celik... dah nak abiz dah dah kiteorg nieh...(bajet senior la)....
dlu mase mula2 study,,asyik tnyer jeh.. " bile nak abiz nieh,,lambt nyer"
skrg plak.... "eih,, dah nak abiz dah..gile cepat.. xterasa pun.."
skrg tnggl lg 1month lg,, utk kiteorg buat haluan msing2...
(tetibe rase cedih plak...)
cedih plak nak tingglkn our college,,, byk sweet memory kat sini... byk yg mgjar aku erti pershabatan,, n nilai seorg shabat.....
kejap sungguh mse berlalu,,, xterasa pun kan... ntah la... dpt xlg kiteorg jumpe camneh lg... aku pun xtau... nak jumpe kat college,,, ntah la....
wlupun kite still xpuas ati,,but byk yg value yg xsame dgn money kat cini...
memory yg akn melekat dlm diri kite,, xkn ilang smpai maut yg dtg...:)
nieh juga akn jdi 1 memory yg indah,,betapa skitnyer kpla,,utk siapkan kerja n assigmt yg diberikan....
kite akn mgalaminya bilenak smbg study lg pasnieh...huhuhuhuhu,,
tp dgn orgyg berbeza pulak...
tp as a student,,btul2 ker kite study...hehehehehhehe,,, no komen...
save answer kan...hehehehehhe,,semua penah jdi student....
semua tau la kan.... kalo time main,,, kite main leh puas2,,kalo time study,,,kite study btul2....
semua memory nieh akn dirindu oleh aku,,,
aku akn merinduinya....
aku hrp rkn2 seperjuanganku akn rase yg same...
n kite semua akn berjaya....

Jumaat, 11 Jun 2010

kem pemimpin belia berkaliber "3-6 june 2010"

semangat tul.....
group belia bukit bintang.... heheheheheheh... gempak seh..

promosi mknan,, hehehhe.. yeh la 2...

group 1,,, heehehehhehe... gempak loh....

gempak gile loh kem nieh.... 4 hari 3 mlm...
aku mmg suke loh.... aku mmg minat.... mcm2 aku dpt kat cini.... knowledge,, frendship,, networking... n more important aku dpt buang perasaan takut aku bile kne wat presentation.... bkn senang beb.... aku minah yg pling penakut la.....

heheheheheheheheheh,,, n 1 more yg pling best,,,,
aku nieh dak yg ari2 main air sungai.... n nieh la first aku gie dekat gile dgn pntai....
hahahahahahah,, gempak beb,,, main2 kat tepi pntai...
aku pun beria jeh main kat citu,,,,
peluang,, of course xkan aku lepaskan....